V ateliéru zavládla přívětivá atmosféra. Všichni se těšili na plátno a olej. Ještě však netušili, co je pointilismus a kolik trpělivosti si vyžádá. Podle postaveného zátiší jsme se odhodlaně pustili do kresby. Gumovali jsme a znovu poměřovali. Štětcem jsme kladli jednotlivé barvy jak pixely. Nakonec se povedlo a na 100leté vánoční výstavě jsme si vychutnali ovace.
The studio had a welcoming atmosphere. Everyone was looking for canvas and oil. Still, they did not know what pointillism and how much patience it would take. Based on the still-life, we decided to embark on the drawing. Gummed and re-measured. By the brush we put the individual colors as pixels. Eventually we managed to enjoy the 100th Christmas show.
The studio had a welcoming atmosphere. Everyone was looking for canvas and oil. Still, they did not know what pointillism and how much patience it would take. Based on the still-life, we decided to embark on the drawing. Gummed and re-measured. By the brush we put the individual colors as pixels. Eventually we managed to enjoy the 100th Christmas show.